Meaningless…everything is meaningless.

Solomon…the wisest man? I guess at times. His final conclusions on life are sobering for sure.

This past weekend I attended the CSC men’s retreat and the focus for this retreat was to seek solitude. A favorite for me, in the category of spiritual disciplines. So at this retreat, I felt I needed to spend one moment of solitude reading and reflecting on the whole book of Ecclesiastes. Of course, the over arching theme of this writing is that everything this world can provide is meaningless unless it is something that involves investment in the kingdom of God.

This simple, and generally known, challenge was key for me. It’s something I lose sight of quickly it seems. In the midst of trying to better our financially situation, sell a house, find and buy a new house, save to buy a family van in the next year or two…it seems much of my focus in an material stuff, and the efforts to achieve it.

But, what is all this? Is it as Solomon write, “like chasing after the wind?”

Maybe so. The good news from the weekend is the Word of God striking an attitude of contentment that I hope will translate into many days of contentment to come.

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